Annapurna base camp Distance

Pokhara to Annapurna base camp Distance
Distance between Pokhara and Annapurna base camp is 81.1 kilometers long, and it takes 3 days from Nayapul to reach Annapurna base camp. Pokhara to Nayapul distance is 44 kilometers driving roads and from Nayapul to Annapurna base camp is 37.1 kilometers. Trek through the breathtaking Himalayan landscape of the Annapurna Ranges and explore ancient kingdoms and majestic mountain views. Explore awe-inspiring glaciers, cross pristine rivers, take a dip in a natural hot spring, and see mule trains carrying supplies to remote villages. Relax in cozy mountain teahouses and meet friendly locals along the way. Kathmandu and Pokhara provide insights into Nepali culture and tradition during the adventure
ABC is closer than EBC from Pokhara
Annapurna base camp is closer than Everest base camp from Pokhara, if you want to go from Pokhara to Everest base camp after the Annapurna base camp trek, then have to back Kathmandu and fly to Lukla airport and then can begin your trek to Everest base base camp trek.
Distances Covered On The Annapurna Base Camp Trek
A trek to Annapurna Base Camp will definitely be the highlight of any trekker’s career. Make sure you join ABC Trek before beginning this adventure. Take a look at the distance you will cover. Look at the elevation gain on the Annapurna Base Camp trek. Once you have reviewed both of these posts, you can then formulate an appropriate training plan for the trek!
Picking the Right Itinerary
As soon as you leave Pokhara, you will be transported by private vehicle to the start of the trail. In order to complete our journey, we will travel to Nayapul and then get into a 4-wheel drive vehicle. Continuing on at 1,025 meters / 3,363 feet, the road will pass through the Biretahanti ACAP permit Checkpost which is the trail divide for Poon Hill Trek. Then we ascend steeply through the rain forest and pass through a few small villages in the mountains. We hike up to Chhomrong, at an elevation of 2,140m/ 7,020 feet, where we stay the night at a lodge. Today’s hike will last approximately five hours. In total, we traveled 11 kilometers/6.9 miles during the day.
Chhomrong to Dovan Distance
Approximately 5 hours are necessary to trek 2,500m/8202ft to Dovan from Chhomrung today. Chhomrung Khola river is reached by steep stairs that descend into the valley. As we cross the suspension bridge at 1,900m, we ascend steeply back uphill on stairs to Sinewa, 2,340m, where we have tea. Uphill again, the trail leads to Khuldighar bottom of the Mardi Himal Trek. At 2,300 meters/7,546 feet, we continue on mixed gradual trails and steep steps. As we leave the forest, we descend steeply to Dovan, 2,505m/8,218 feet, where we stay at a lodge for the night. The distance today is 11.2km/ 7 miles.
Dovan to Machhapuchre Base Camp Distance
During today’s trek, we will reach Machhapuchhre Base Camp (or MBC). It’s going to be a long day’s distance. During the trek, we will have lunch at 3,230m/10,597 feet at Deurali, which is at 3,230m. To get to Hinku Cave, we first climb through a bamboo forest, then through a forest of rhododendrons. There is 6.7km of uphill running. We will walk for 2 hours and 30 minutes more all the way through the stunning Annapurna Valley on our way to Machhapuchhre Base Camp, 3,700 meters/12,140 feet above sea level. We walked 13 km/8.1 miles today
As you hike up to world-class mountain views at Machhapuchre Base Camp, the extra distance the day before. Our hike to Annapurna Base Camp today is exciting as we reach 4,130m/ 13,550 feet. The trail leads up the hill on an easier trail that leads into the Annapurna Sanctuary deeper than Machhapuchre, or Fishtail Mountain. A massive mountain range surrounds this trail.
You walk parallel to the glacial water coming off Annapurna with beautiful flowers and mountains all around during the trek into Annapurna Base Camp. When you get closer, you can see the famous signs and lodges in the background. Stunning views of the mountains can be seen here. Overnight we will stay at a lodge, and we will explore the region in the morning and afternoon. From Machhapuchhre Base Camp to Annapurna Base Camp distance is 2.9km/1.8 miles and should take 2 hours.
In the end after back from the Annapurna Base Camp, Relax and unwind in Pokhara after your trek by cruising along with the Phewa Tal (Lake) and gazing up at the snow-capped mountains or get a relaxing massage to rejuvenate tired muscles.
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